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When are Children in need of emergency treatment?

  • Five medical conditions should be brought to attention of a Physician/Doctor,for Children
      Abdominal Pain : Stomachaches are a common complaint among young children, but severe pain or distress can indicate a serious issue. If your child's stomach is swollen or sore to the touch or if blood is present in the child's stool, he or she be taken to the Emergency Care. If pain is persistent and present in the lower right side of abdomen,it could be symptom of appendicitis.
      Burns : Burns larger than the size of your child's palm of those that appear discolored or deep require immediate emergency care.Chemical burns and burns to the hands and face are particularly severe.
      Fever : Children under three months of age should be taken to the emergency care if their temperature rises above 100.4 degrees. A fever is one of the first signs of an infection that could be something more serious,such as meningitis
      Head Injuries : Injuries that cause loss of consciousness, headaches, vomiting or confusion should be treated by emergency physicians immediately.
      Neck Stiffness : Accompanied by a rash or fever, neck stiffness may be an indication of meningitis, a potentially deadly disease.
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