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No! No!-Toddler's Favouraite Words

    How to get the Toddler say Yes!
      Avoid saying No to him/her, The more No he listen the more No he replies. Instead of saying NO say, "when you are done with this" or "after I complete this work then"

      Tired of same game or same song ? Before beginning again say "this is last time" or "done for the day"

      Distraction is one of the simplest way to avoid hearing NO!, as he/she says NO divert the mind into new toy/game/song whatever,Distraction often helps to feed them too

      Let him choose between the options you give, this way he things its his decision and it makes him Happy!

      Be a copycat! If they are into something(which is not very dangerous) which you don't want them to do, start doing it with them, be a copycat, it will be fun and this makes you in charge as you are repeating there action,now they will your's

      Try to talk to Parents of other toddlers and also there day care instructor can give out some tips

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